Birthday wishes

My Iddy Biddy baby girl is turning 3 today.

That’s 3 years that I have had the pleasure of being called Mummy to this perfectly, gorgeous child of mine.

We tried for so long to have a baby.   We had 3 failed pregnancies before her and she was probably our last attempt.

I think I actually had an easy pregnancy.   My doctors didn’t agree!   I had vasa previa, which is a rare condition meaning that one of the babies arteries was covering the cervix, so there was a high risk of her bleeding to death if I went into natural labor.

I was fortunate.   I was considered high risk, due to my past pregnancies and my high maternal age (yep, nothing like a pregnancy to remind you that you are ancient and every cell in your being is well past its expiration date!).   I was tested by every specialist known to man and they spotted the vasa previa at 19 weeks.   At 20 weeks, I went on bed rest – 6 weeks at home, 7 more weeks in the hospital.   Fun!

The doctor scheduled my C section for Sept 3rd.   Only 32 weeks.   They gave me the run down of the million things that could go wrong.   I was stressed out of my mind!   So, on the evening of Sept 2nd, I sent my hubby home to take care of my dogs (priorities – you know) before he came back for the delivery.  My mum spent the night in the hospital with me, laying on the pull out chair.   We talked til 4 am, which was about the only way I got through the night!!

I am not sure I really ever let myself envision the day that I would hold my baby.   There were just so many bumps along the way and while I hoped upon hope, I didn’t know what that day would hold.

So on Sept 3rd around 230pm, my hubby and I welcomed this tiny little 4.1lb baby into the world.  8 weeks early.   She was so perfect to me.   Your childs birth makes you know that love at first sight exists.   Well, I loved her before she was conceived, but I was overwhelmed with love when I saw her tiny little face.

We spent another 3+ weeks in the NICU – then home.

Then I blinked and here we are, 3 years later looking at our daughter, who is now a “big girl”.
This 3 yr old girl who is scared of the dark and is just starting to have bad dreams.   She and Cinderella are on the first name basis.   She dances with Prince Charming.  She sings My Rainy Day Girl and thinks The Villians are singing about her.      She amazes me with her memory and how smart she is.   She is kind, loving, funny, sensitive, independent, looks exactly like me in miniature and is everything in the world to me.

I know everyone loves their children and I know I am not telling you anything you don’t know, if you are a parent.  I swear, sometimes I look at her and I think my heart will explode.

We have lovely friends with children of the same age, who helps us stay sane.   We have a wonderful friend that watches my daughter and has become like family.   My Mum & Stepfather and my Mother in law are great grandparents.   My Dad is watching her from heaven and holding her in his heart, I just know it.   My daughter was born on my dear friends birthday – so I believe that covers Hilary’s birthday gifts for life (yes?  Happy Birthday Hilary).  My Iddy Biddy baby girl has a cousin of the same age, who she adores.   My husband and I are lucky to have this little girl.

So Happy Birthday to my baby.   I love you more than words can say.   I spent every minute of my pregnancy wishing  good things for you in life.   I continue to wish them all for you, even more, every day.  A million times over.

Thank you for being my gift.   Thank you for allowing me to be your Mummy.